Thursday, July 29, 2010

DIY Humidifier

You can DIY ultrasonic humidifier with such easy find container. You only make a hole on the lid of the container and install a 4 inches PVC pipe on it as shown in the picture. It will be easy for cleaning of the disc maker by opening the cover. The rest is just install the water level adjuster at the side of the container. In such hot weather nowaday, it is recommanded to have ultrasonic humidifier in the Bird House. Ultrasonic humidifier is much quiet than those Taiwan humidifier and will not disturb swiftlets in the BH especially young birds.


  1. do you place a humidifier inside the container?
    or how do you actually make the mist maker?

  2. Please advise where to buy this disc?

  3. I was told that ultrasonic humidifier is easy to make but they also have a lot of maintenance problems. Many used them and gave up within 2 years.
    Do you have any ideas on how to maintenance it?

  4. Hi Tweeter,

    I have used it for 7 months, so far so good. U must use it with proper way. I still have some units in hand, if U want I can sell to U.

    Hi Anonymous,
    I will describe it with more detail in my next post.

  5. Hi Edward,

    Please provide more details of disc, cost and maintenance in your next post too.

  6. O Jesus, son of Mary! Is thy Lord able to send down for us a table spread with food from heaven
